Discover what people just like you are doing to experience greater health, vitality, and performance.

The Energetic Chiropractic Difference

At Energetic Chiropractic we provide unique solutions to health and performance challenges. Our comprehensive approach allows us to know exactly what is going on by identifying the underlying cause of your current condition. Unlike other providers in the world of healthcare, even conventional chiropractors, we are interested in more than merely providing temporary pain and symptom relief.

We recognize that pain and symptoms are not the cause of health and performance challenges, rather, they are a reflection of “stress overload” in your system that leads to dysfunction. Your care at Energetic Chiropractic is then focused on restoring and maintaining a state of optimal function. We believe optimal function is essential in order to express greater levels of health, vitality, and performance.

After working with over a thousand people just like you in the last decade, we are confident that our methods can produce long term and sustainable results for you and your family. We want to exceed your expectations and help you reach your health and performance goals so you can do the things you love and live life to its fullest potential.

What to Expect

Our Process

We want our new patients to be comfortable and know our process before coming in.
A consultation is a conversation, not a commitment.
The first step is to determine if we can help. The case review with the Doctor is complimentary. It’s an opportunity for the Doctor to review your health history, answer questions, and address any concerns you may have.
If an examination is warranted, we will conduct a comprehensive Neuro-Diagnostic Evaluation and a thorough physical assessment to better understand your functional state and how it is affecting your current levels of health and performance.
Following the examination we will interpret your results. Once we know exactly what is going on, we will then discuss our next steps and recommend a customized action plan to restore a state of optimal function.


Family Wellness Family Wellness
Prenatal & Pediatric Prenatal & Pediatric
Athletic Performance Athletic Performance
Chronic Conditions Chronic Conditions

What People are Saying

As I get older (which no one can avoid), I want to continue to stay active and be able to workout on a regular basis without injury. Seeing Dr. Jason regularly has helped me achieve this goal. My body is able to recover quickly from my workouts and I continue to be able to take on more and push myself, resulting in me being in the best shape of my life...
- Jennifer P.
As an entrepreneur, writer and athlete, the care I receive from Dr. Jason benefits my health and life in several vital ways. Physically, I enjoy more energy on runs and greater flexibility on my yoga mat. And most importantly, because my nervous and endocrine systems are better balanced, I am 99% asymptomatic from heart tachycardia episodes that affected me for 20 years...
- Kellen B.
Over the past few years Energetic Chiropractic has honestly enhanced every aspect of my wellbeing. I first met Dr. Jason under duress with a painful motocross injury and was surprised at how much relief I experienced with his unique chiropractic technique. Since then I have discovered that when I am under regular care my daily physical and emotional demands are...
- Jon O.
Since I started seeing Dr. Jason, my chronic TMJ (jaw pain) has essentially been eliminated. In addition, my posture has straightened and my overall range of motion and flexibility has improved better than I can remember. I am amazed at the energy and quality of life that I now experience thanks to Dr. Jason.
- Trisha G.
I have worked with Dr. Jason for about 5 years. During this time, I have had the great good fortune of seeing postural changes in my body, but more importantly, I have seen the direct relationship between the work we have done and my immediate physical reaction to stressful situations. Marvelous progress!
- Kathleen M.
In the more than three years that I have been working with Dr. Jason at Energetic Chiropractic, I have seen drastic changes in the way my body responds to stress. Suffering PTSD, and working in high-pressure careers throughout my life, had put my body into a pattern of anxiety which manifested itself in ways that made normal day to day tasks unbearable, often ending with a panic attack. Now, through regular care with Dr. Jason, my nervous system has been retrained, panic attacks are non-existent, and my quality of life has immensely improved.
- Dylan H.
Working a stressful job and training for marathons takes a toll on my body. To live this active lifestyle, maintaining my health is a priority. Dr. Jason is an important part of how I maintain my health and prevent injuries. After every weekly session with Dr. Jason, I feel great. My muscles are less tight and tense and my neck and spine move more freely. I highly recommend Dr. Jason for your health care team.
- Paula W.
When I first saw Dr. Jason, I was intrigued by the possibility of something different. As things have turned out, I had no idea how different the experience and results would be. His sessions have resulted to changes in my body that are at the same time both subtle and dramatic. But, I could not have anticipated the changes to my emotional and mental makeup. Jason works on the body/mind connection in a way I have never experienced.
- Greg M.
When I started seeing Dr. Jason a year ago my health had deteriorated to the degree that I could no longer sleep at night due to the pain in my whole body. After a couple of sessions, I was able to sleep again without pain. Continued care has given me a new out look on life. As my body continues to heal, I am more relaxed, I can handle the daily stresses of my job, and for the first time in years, I've not been sick with a cold or the flu. Dr. Jason's method of chiropractic provides a gentle, effective way for the body to heal itself.
- Hanny B.

Have a question?  Or just say hello.

Connect with us at:

(805) 308-6370