What to expect at Energetic Chiropractic
New Patient Form
Your First Visit: (1 hour)
Your first visit will consist of a review of your health history and a brief consultation to determine how Energetic Chiropractic can serve your needs. This is followed by: a neurological stress evaluation; a postural/balance evaluation; an overall assessment of your body’s range of motion; and an analysis of various body sub-systems to determine how tension is being stored.
Next you will experience your first session of Energetic Chiropractic. During this initial session I will be taking an inventory of the dominant patterns of tension and structural distortion being expressed by your body. I will then make adjustments by applying gentle directed contacts to specific areas of your spine in order to initiate a process of change in your nervous system.
Your Second Visit: (½ hour)
During this visit we will outline our findings regarding your current state of health and nervous system function, recommend a plan of care specific to these findings and discuss our financial agreement. Spouses, partners, and other family members are welcome at this visit if you choose, and we encourage questions and discussion.
You will then receive your second session of Energetic Chiropractic. From this adjustment forward we will be building momentum to create long lasting, sustainable change in your nervous system patterns. As your nervous system learns, develops, and reorganizes to higher and more complex levels of function you will become progressively more connected to your body and your life.
If you are unsure whether Energetic Chiropractic is right for you, or you have additional questions or concerns regarding your condition or financial situation, please do not hesitate to book a complimentary consultation, during which time we can discuss these matters in further detail.